Officers & Adult Staff
While Staff Cadets are empowered to take on the responsibility of running the Squadron, ultimately it is the Adult Staff that are accountable to ensure the safe, fun, and valuable delivery of the Cadet Program. The adult staff are made up of a combination of the following:
- Officers and Non-Commissioned Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
- Civilian Instructors hired as specialists by the Department of National Defence
- Civilian Volunteers screened by the Air Cadet League of Canada
Our Officers are within the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS) sub-component of the Reserve Force. They are specifically trained and tasked with the supervision, administration, and training of our Cadets.
As a member of the Reserves, all of our Officer staff have full time day jobs, or are pursuing post-secondary education, and dedicate their evenings, weekends, and even vacation days to the development of the youth under our care.
Our Adult Staff come from all walks of life and bring a wealth of knowledge and personal experience to the Squadron. The vast majority of our Adult Staff were Air Cadets before and all of them are here to give back to the community and the program that raised them.

Captain Aaron Hartley
Marksmanship Team Coach
Biathlon Team Coach

Captain Brad Tucker, CD

Lieutenant Dan Khayutin
Assistant Administration Officer

Ordinary Seaman Blake Newbold
Biathlon Team Coach

Ms. Elyse Airth
Effective Speaking Coach

Mr. John Bittman
Level 4

Mr. Lou Breithaupt
Pilot Training Course Instructor
Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader

Ms. Emily Edward
Drill without Arms Team Coach

Ms. Alex Galoustian
Marksmanship Team Coach

Ms. Manon Garde
Pilot Training Course Instructor

Ms. Sarah Han
Marksmanship Team Coach

Ms. Kate Jung
Graphics Designer

Ms. Emma I’Anson
Level 1

Mr. Ian Leece
Assistant Supply Officer

Ms. Victoria McLuckie
Level 1
Drill with Arms Team Coach

Mr. Ash Navabi
Level 2

Ms. Cynthia Parker
Special Projects

Mr. Jon Walkden
Level 3
Drill with Arms Team Coach

Ms. Isha Yajaman
Pilot Training Course Instructor