The Royal Canadian Air Cadet program is a unique partnership between the Department of National Defence (DND), a division of the Canadian Forces, and the Air Cadet League of Canada. This partnership can be found at all levels of the program: at the national level, the provincial level and, most importantly, at the community / squadron level.

At the community level, 540 Squadron is sponsored by the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC); a non-profit society group of parent and community volunteers that support the Commanding Officer and squadron staff in running the squadron operations. The SSC handles the finances for the squadron and facilitates the operation of squadron activities, and programs that are not funded by DND, such as venue rentals, transportation, and various squadron teams. Additionally, the SSC provides the squadron with parent volunteers when extra hands are required, and helps organize events such as the Annual Ceremonial Review at the end of each training year. The SSC also assists with communication in the squadron by sponsoring this website.

How can you be involved?

The SSC depends on the support of those willing to lend a few hours a month and would encourage you to join us. Meetings are held bi-weekly and all are welcome to attend.

You are also encouraged to get involved in the squadron. Volunteers are always appreciated. Note that some volunteer positions may require the parent to first be “screened” as a security precaution – most parents appreciate knowing the cadet organization is very concerned for the security and safety of the cadets.

The SSC has set up a number of sub-committees to handle various tasks relating to running the squadron (e.g. assisting with Tagging). These sub-committees are led by SSC members and meet regularly to discuss their goals and plan activities. If you are interested in providing your support, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Squadron welcome back night

The Squadron Welcome Back event takes place every year in September and is an opportunity for the SSC to welcome the staff and parents to another training year. Cadets (new and returning) can register at this time and parents can meet squadron staff and SSC members. This is a fun social event where everyone is asked to contribute food/drink items to a shared BBQ or picnic.

Annual Ceremonial Review

This takes place at the end of the training year, usually on a weekend in early to mid June. It is the final festivity for the squadron where cadets parade one last time in front of parents, friends and invited guests. This is a very special event for the squadron and usually takes place at a local arena. The SSC assists the staff with the venue booking and event permits as well as with the coordination of the food and refreshments for the reception afterwards.



Julie Bilodeau
[email protected]

Sean Roseland-Barnes
Vice Chair
[email protected]

Harry Lee
[email protected]

Ioanna Voermann
[email protected]

Committee members

Terence Boldt 
Tagging Coordinator
[email protected]

Michelle Edwards-Boldt
Tagging Coordinator
[email protected]

Jude Francis

Glen Michie
Lottery Ticket Coordinator

Regine Semira
Event Planner

Giani Cautisanu

Gabriela Covaci

Adity Tandon

Iulian Balta